Sunday, July 24, 2011

Palestine - The New Holocaust

It amazes me how Israel still clings to the banner of WWII and German systematic killing of Jews.  What they forget is that there were others killed as well.  Gypsies, Actors, Homosexuals, Activists, and the list goes on and on.  Yes, there were hundreds of thousands of them killed, but it was not all about Jews, it was about ethnic cleansing of anyone not Aryan.  That included Russians, Poles, anyone who the Nazi's felt were a threat to their "pure race". 

Today, while still crying "look at what the bad Nazi's did to us", the Israeli government is creating a Holocaust of their own.  Yet, governments around the world turn a blind eye to this.  Why?  Because of Hezbollah?  A terrorist group bent on destroying Israel...hmmm, I wonder why?  Israel stops any attempt by peace activists, Jewish, American, Greek, anyone, from bringing aid to the innocent Palestinian men, women and children.  They deny them their basic human rights.  They are a people living without proper shelter, food, medical care or even a way to make a living.  They are treated just the way the Jews were treated by the Germans and they are bombed at will by the Israeli government. 

What is wrong with the American government?  Have we sold our souls to Israel?  How can they sit back and say that Israel is doing the right thing when so many people around the world, including Jewish activists see otherwise?  Why did the Greek government buckle under to Israeli pressure to stop the Freedom flotilla?
What is this hold that they have over all the other nations of the world?  Have they threatened to use their nuclear weapons if the other governments don't obey them?  There has to be something other than Hezbollah that stops the governments of the world from helping the Palestinians.

My question to the Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings and Queens is this:  How long will you let innocents be killed in Palestine before any of you have the cajones to stand up to Israel?  A holocaust is being created right before your eyes, yet you see nothing.  I can only shake my head and pray that one or two of you will wake up before it is too late.

Remember, Israel does not want a Free Palestinian State, but rather a Palestinian-Free State.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is up with Connecticut prison system?

I was listening to the news last night and heard the anchor say, almost apologetically, that the Connecticut State Prison board decided it was going to take away the prisoner's porn...  Yes, that's right, I said PORN!!

While most prisons in this country barely let a risque picture of the prisoner's wife pass through, the State of CT has been letting prisoner's have PORN!  Hmmmm...Cheshire home invasion criminals were housed in CT prisons...too bad it took the rape and death of three innocent women, a mother and her two daughters, one of whom was 11 years old and was raped by one of the convicts.

Perhaps if they were not allowed to have PORN the Cheshire family might still be alive.  I say might because these two beasts, they are certainly not human, may have just had the desire to kill. 

How come it took so long for the officials in charge of Connecticut prisons to make PORN one of the banned items?  It makes me want to ask what else they are allowed to have that they would not be allowed to have in other penitentiaries in other states!